Common Questions (And Answers) About HVAC Systems! 

For a lot of home and business owners, their hvac systems are mysterious in terms of how they function and how they maintain themselves all year round. And it’s completely normal to be baffled by this very intricate home appliance! 

The truth is that there’s A LOT that goes within your HVAC system that you truly ought to know about, because this will help you recognize repair warning signs and ultimately prolong the lifespan of your investment. 

So below we’ll be going over some of the most common questions asked about HVAC systems, and answering them: 

How often should my HVAC system’s air filters be changed? 

A good rule of thumb to keep in mind about changing your HVAC system’s air filters is switching them out once a month. This of course depends upon where you live and the amount of pet dander and dirt is present within your home. 

But checking your filters on a frequent basis is always your best bet in terms of staying on top of the gunk accumulation. 

What size HVAC unit does my home need? 

This is actually a pretty tough question to answer, because a lot of different factors come into play in terms of determining HVAC unit size per household. It’ll likely depend upon the walls, insulation, attic space and overall size of your home. 

Getting the right sized unit is a valid concern because having the wrong sized unit can lead to unwanted issues and unnecessarily high energy bills. So the only true way to know what size you need is to have an HVAC specialist come to your home and determine what’s best for your unique needs. 

Is it necessary to cover up HVAC units in the winter months? 

Although it’s true that covering up your HVAC unit can prevent debris accumulation within the unit, it also can be problematic in terms of actual functionality. If you’re going on an extended vacation and want to turn your system off while you’re away, then sure, go ahead and cover it up. 

Just be sure that you’re not covering up your HVAC system when it’s actually in use! 

What are the causes of frozen AC units? 

There are actually many different causes of frozen AC units, and all of these problems will require expert assistance. One of the most common causes is low refrigerant, and this type of issue often derives from long-term wear and tear. 

When your unit’s evaporator coils are dirty, this can also lead to a decrease in airflow that then causes freeze ups. 

How often should my HVAC system be professionally serviced? 

HVAC systems need routine checkups in order to maintain their overall functionality and avoid pesky issues, and you should aim for at least annual inspections with your local specialists. 

But a lot of people will get two inspections a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. Doing this will make sure that your system is ready for seasonal temperature fluctuations. 

How can I extend the lifetime of my HVAC system? 

HVAC systems are always a hefty investment for everyone, which is why it makes sense that a lot of people want to do their best at prolonging these investments for as long as possible.

Reducing your overall usage can always be helpful, and you can do this by turning your thermostat slightly up or down as needed to reduce the output from your system. Regularly changing out your air filters is also crucial, as well as routine maintenance appointments. 

Contact The HVAC Specialists at Beehive Heating & Air To Learn More! 

There are plenty of concerns that HVAC system owners typically have, and the above FAQs and answers are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you should know about your home’s system.

If you have any other questions that weren’t answered here, go to the link at the beginning of the article and speak directly with the HVAC experts at Beehive Heating & Air for more information!