
What Homeowners Need to Know About Solar Panels

In recent years, the use of solar panels has increased significantly in Florida and nationwide. This is due to advancements in technology and growing awareness of energy conservation. Solar panel systems are being installed in more homes and businesses. In Florida, solar panel inspections and installations are becoming more efficient and cost-effective, while the quality is improving.

Installing solar panels can be overwhelming for many homeowners. However, you will feel relieved once you examine the cost, installation process, and long-term needs for solar panels. Solar companies that Florida residents rely on install many panels, which is a key factor to consider when deciding whether solar panels will work for you.

Calculating How Many Solar Panels Florida Homes Need

Solar panels cannot provide 100 percent of the power needed for your home. This is because the amount of electricity you use and the size of your house will determine how realistic this is. It is often cost-prohibitive to install a solar panel system large enough to meet all your home’s needs.

Calculate the number of solar panels you will need to maximize your return on investment. How many solar panels are needed to power your home with this energy-saving marvel depends on a number of factors:

What is the energy consumption of your home?

How much sunlight does your roof receive?

Temperature fluctuations and your local climate.

Solar panels installed on Florida houses do not all perform the same or produce the same energy. All homes require different amounts of energy. A typical American home that wants to generate 300 watts will require 20 solar panels to be installed on its roof. Contact our experts today to find out what your business or home may need.

Solar Panels Offer a Great Return on Investment

Prices and quality have increased due to the popularity of solar panels for residential use. This has led to a steady return on investment and added value over time.

Utility-Scale Solar Panel Cleaning and Maintenance

Solar panels at home do not need a lot of maintenance, but dirt and debris can negatively impact their performance. Normal rainfall cannot remove these particles. Bird droppings, dust, and other debris can reduce the amount of light required to operate solar panels efficiently over time. Solar panels can be cleaned regularly at a utility-scale to keep them in top condition and protect them.

This post was written by a professional at EHS. Efficient Home Services of St. Petersburg FL is a solar energy company offering a variety of services. At Efficient Home Services of Florida, our mission is to save you money on your solar panel inspection in Florida. No other home energy company serving Florida offers the range of cost-saving solutions that we do. Whereas other businesses might focus on one component of a home’s energy use, such as solar panel installation or HVAC unit installation, EHS provides services across the spectrum to address every aspect of your home’s energy inefficiencies. We are a team of knowledgeable professionals who banded together to give homeowners what other companies promised but could not deliver – real relief from high electric bills.