
How To Keep Your Home Spic and Span Between Cleans

If you’ve hired a house cleaning service to help you keep your home spic and span, then you’ll know that there’s nothing like coming back to a clean home at the end of a long day. But unless you have a cleaner coming to your home every day, keeping it spic and span between their visits isn’t always easy, especially in busy households with multiple occupants.

If you’re struggling to keep your home clean all of the time, here are some handy hints:

Manage the mail

Nothing makes a home look untidier than being greeted by a pile of mail in the doorway, and with some homes receiving a lot of mail, it’s important to keep on top of it. Try to put a system in place whereby all mail is sorted as soon as possible, and other family members can collect it and deal with it, to prevent it building up and creating an eyesore the minute you walk inside the door.

Keep on top of laundry

Laundry, clean or otherwise, will quickly make even the cleanest of homes look untidy when it’s lying around in piles, but fortunately, tackling it isn’t hard. Talk to other members of your household and come up with an agreement that all clean clothes are put away appropriately as soon as they’re dry, and that dirty clothes are always put into a hamper, and never strewn across the floor or furniture. If you’re sharing your home with teenage children (or even some lazy adults!), make sure the rules are enforced and that there are repercussions for not following them.

You can also pack seasonal clothes away until needed, and sort through your closet to see what can be donated to charity or recycled, to prevent clothing from taking over your home.

Take out the trash

Empty trash cans as frequently as needed to prevent them from overflowing or becoming smelly – who wants to get home at the end of a busy day to be greeted by the smell of rotting food? As well as taking out the trash, it’s important to manage it appropriately, too, and stay on top of recycling and other forms of garbage disposal.

Prioritise the kitchen

So often a hive of activity and meeting hub for all members of the household, the family kitchen can quickly become an eyesore, and it’s important to put some basic rules in place to keep it from letting down the rest of your home:

  • Make sure everyone is responsible for clearing their place at the table
  • The person who prepares the meal, must be responsible for tidying away any mess associated with its preparation
  • An age appropriate person must put away leftovers, load the dishwasher and wipe down the table

Provided everyone sticks to the rules, it should make for a cleaner, tidier, more harmonious kitchen space.

Don’t neglect the pets

Fur, dander and general grime are all present in a home with pets, no matter how hard you try to keep it spotlessly clean. But by grooming your pets regularly, vacuuming the floors and furniture, and washing their bedding at least once a week, you can keep your home looking and smelling, fresh and clean.

The simplest way to keep your home clean and tidy in between visits from a maid service, is to have them come every day! And who knows, it might just cost less than you think.